Forest suites

Trakt Forest Hotel has five unique forest suites, built with minimal impact on the surroundings. You live amongst the trees, elevated from the ground. From the forest suites, you might see animals roaming around, and hear the sounds of nature. The forest suite is your sanctuary, the silence is your neighbor. Welcome to Trakt Forest Hotel.




Betula is the Latin word for birch, and also the name of the first forest suite on the right side of the hill. The big panorama window of the suite faces north, with a view of the deep forest of Sällehägnad. You will see the evening sun between the tree from bedroom window.

Read more about Betula


Sorbus is Latin for the tree rowan, and the name of the first forest suite when you enter the Trakt Forest Hotel area. Sorbus is the suite with the highest location, almost reaching for the treetops. From the panorama window, you will have a view through the forest and all the way to fields on the other side.

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Tilia, or linden, is the name of the second forest suite on the right side of the hill. The big panorama window to the north presents a peaceful view of the deep forest. In Tilia dogs are welcome.

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Forest suite Salix is located on the left side of the hill. Salex is latin for willow. From the panorama window in Salix your view is the forest, and on the other side you can see the fields.

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Ulmus, elm in latin, is the last forest suite on the left side of the hill. With a panoramic view over the forest, this is a truly peaceful location. Calm down and relax and light a fire. The first rays of the sun will enter through the bathroom window.

Read more about Ulmus